The Rapid Fat Loss Diet

When it comes to losing unwanted body fat there are a vast amount of different ways you can achieve this. Many claim to be simple and easy. Let me make this clear, there is a huge difference between simple and easy. “Simple” is straight forward and takes little thought or knowledge to adhere to. “Easy” requires little input or effort. 

This diet achieves great results due to it being “Simple” in that it is very straight forward and takes very little thought or knowledge to adhere to. Just follow what we have prescribed in this article and you WILL lose body fat.  

For some though, this diet will be anything but “Easy”. This all depends on how much of a carb addict you are. If your daily food intake consists of what most peoples does eg. Bread, rice, pasta and fruit….. I’m sorry but your in for a tough ride.

What I can guarantee for those of you that are currently on a high carb diet is that you will see the greatest benefit from this approach!

Now back to reality. This diet is extremely simple, and it gives you amazing results in a short time frame . I have used it personally on my own journey at times when going from 115 Kgs to 65 Kgs. I have prescribed it to my parents, my friends and friends of my friends. They have all seen some great losses in body fat from following this simple approach. This diet is for anyone looking to shed some serious fat in a short time frame.

What to Expect:

You can expect to lose body fat quickly, have more energy, sleep more soundly and have a greater sense of overall well being. Studies have proven that the foods and macro nutrients described in the diet in this article have numerous health and physiological benefits, well and truly beyond just getting ripped in a short time.  

This article won’t go too deeply into the science behind why this diet is so beneficial, it is written to act as a guide or template to lead you on the path to the body you desire. It is also to be used as a reference for later when you need to drop some additional body fat quickly.

It is a very simple high protein, low carbohydrate and relatively low-fat diet. The high protein will preserve muscle mass, keep you feeling fuller for longer and when coupled with lower carbohydrate intake, will aid in shifting your metabolic rate into overdrive (cue: fat burning mode).

This reduction in your daily intake of carbs will force a higher use of stored body fat for energy and in turn assist in the shift in your metabolic process. This process usually consists of your bodies primary source of energy being the breakdown of carbohydrates into energy. Whereas now it will be forced to draw upon fat that is both stored and consumed from your diet.

And finally the healthy fats will aid in cognitive function, mood, sleep and an overall sense of well being. Dietary fat is critical to controlling your bodies hormone levels and should not be avoided or discounted in it’s importance. 

The rules are quite simple. Follow the guide below of macro nutrients and food types to eat and avoid. 


The building block of this diet is protein rich foods. We will be consuming only lean, highly bio-available sources of protein here. Bio-availability refers to how much of the actual protein content of the food can be absorbed by the body. For example one egg white has 7 grams of protein. Eggs are 100% bio-available, thus from one egg you will absorb the 7 grams of protein. 

Chicken, for example has a bio-availability of 80%.  100g of chicken contains 22 grams of protein, which at 80% bio-availability means that the body will absorb 17.6 grams of protein. Whilst this doesn’t matter a great deal, it’s good to know that not all proteins are created equal. 

Eat the following proteins in abundance on this diet: 

Egg White (no yoke), Lean meat eg.  Chicken breast, rump steak, kangaroo, turkey breast, white flesh fish and pork loin are great options. Tuna and Salmon can be eaten, though watch the portion size, their high fat content makes them extremely calorie dense, and whilst they are very healthy, we are also trying to consume less calories than we expend. Try to avoid any cuts of meat that have a higher fat content or red meat with marbling through it. Wagu beef, Chicken thigh, pork chops and lamb chops are examples that aren’t ideal.

Portion sizes should be kept to around 100-150 grams per serving in a typical 4 meal a day diet approach. 


Here’s where it gets interesting. This is the key to where the greatest effect on fat loss will occur and where most people come unstuck and get it completely wrong. The macro nutrient that is carbohydrates. There are so many miss conceptions surrounding which foods contain carbs. Most are based on a complete lack of understanding and knowledge. Simply learning which foods contain Carbohydrates is vital to understand how you can maintain, lower and raise your body fat content.  

As a rule with this diet, you will aim to consume less than 100 grams of carbs per day. Given that most people on a SAD or typical Western diet consume approximately 400-500 grams of carbs a day, this will be a struggle for some to begin with.  

Just remember, you need to earn your carbs. And very few people really do! You don’t need to start you day with 8 Wheat Bix or a bowl full of special K topped with bananas and strawberries. Those options would be great if you were going to ride a bicycle 200 kms or run for 1.5 hrs afterwards…………

In Reality, they will be stored as fat for energy at a later stage (not what we want) 

Carbohydrate rich foods to avoid at all costs:

  • Fruit (any and all fruit – total no go!)
  • Potatoes (White and Sweet)
  • Bread (Any and all types)
  • Rice (Any and all types)
  • Pasta
  • Chips
  • Most breakfast cereals (Wheeties, Special K, Rice Bubbles, Wheat Bix etc.)  
  • Noodles
  • Sugar (raw and refined)

The below list of carbs that can be consumed are of the green leafy or fibrous type. A simple rule to remember for carbs is that if its green and it grows above the ground you can eat as much as you want of it. I’d stick to these though (some are not green I realise that)

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Eggplant
  • Cauliflower
  • Green beans
  • Lettuce
  • Red onion
  • Cucumber
  • Zucchini


Whilst I do condone a keto diet which is a diet that is rich is polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. This isn’t one of the times I wouldn’t go too heavy on these types of fats . This is a rapid fat loss diet to kick the body’s metabolism in a different direction and as such fats will be at a minimum.

Sources of fat should come from:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids (Salmon and tuna)
  • MCT Oil where possible (eg in Bullet proof coffee)
  • Coconut oil
  • Flax seed oil
  • Nuts such as Almonds, macadamias and pecans

You will need to use any fat sparingly!!!


There are numerous remarks and studies around what sweeteners cause what cancer and blah blah blah. I find that the best from all the research I’ve carried out is Stevia. It’s as close to natural as you’ll get, and the flavour is good. You can use it liberally if you are that way inclined.

A natural response that I have witnessed when this diet approach is first started is that people develop a HUGE sweet tooth. This is simply the bodies natural response to the drop in carbohydrate intake and the sweet tooth is a signal the brain is sending out to seek high GI or “fast carbs” like sugar.

Portion Size:

In another article we will go into portion sizing, as it varies depending on body weight, height, sex and other variables it deserves its own post, in which we will also cover overall daily calorie intake and the actual macro nutrient ratio’s you should consume on this diet to achieve the greatest results. 

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1 Comment

  1. Well written and well round article that gives you facts in a simple and interesting ,manner.